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IT Solutions.

How developers are using AI

While many fear AI will steal their jobs, developers don’t seem to worry about it as much. In fact, we continue seeing developers build new tools that use AI to make their jobs easier and more productive.  

Github’s Copilot is getting better and smarter, and Replit recently launched its own AI coding tool, Ghostwriter. Here’s a rundown of other AI developer tools you might’ve missed:

HTTPie uses AI to help you interact with APIs. You can describe a request using natural language (like “Fetch last release details of httpie/desktop”), and HTTPie generates the request that you can then save and use. You can also ask the AI to generate an HTTP request by describing its low-level components like the URL, headers, and body. 

terminalGPT is a chatbot for your terminal that can understand and respond to various topics and questions in real time. 

AI Query generates SQL queries using basic English.

AI Code Reviewer is like having a personal tutor for coding. The tool lets you know when something doesn’t look right with your code, as well as allows you to ask questions. 

✅ Researchers At MIT Developed A Machine Learning Model That Can Answer University-Level Mathematics Problems In A Few Seconds At A Human Level

  • An MIT multidisciplinary research team has created a neural network model that can quickly and accurately answer college-level arithmetic problems.
  • The model also automatically explains solutions and rapidly generates new problems in university math subjects
  • This work could be used to streamline content generation for courses, which could be especially useful in large residential courses and massive open online courses (MOOCs) that have thousands of students.